confinement [der. to confine] restrictive penalty of personal freedom consisting in the obligation to stay in a secluded and distant place.
An instrument of repression of dissent by the fascist regime, confinement hit women hard.
Political militants, but also gypsies and Jehovah's Witnesses, prostitutes and midwives.
Behind the political accusation, winds of change to be dispersed with dutiful submission.
In the fierce radicalization of the female figure, angel of the hearth and queen of the house. Obedient and servile.
Tres and Yele reposition these figures in the centre, giving them back a lost spatiality.
A leading role among the chapters of a history that has made them, too often, and guiltily, footnotes of their men.
Words by Simona Pellegrini
#Roots - Community Stories is a project by Lettere Cubitali APS in collaboration with e-distribuzione .
The work is found in Viale Ontario, in Marconia di Pisticci (fascist border colony from 1938 to 1943)